All of our staff are vaccinated against COVID 19. All staff and patients must wear a mask in the office. As appropriate, our doctors are happy to see you in the office, in the parking lot, or on a televisit.​
You can get your COVID 19 vaccine at most pharmacies. Some require appointments (register at your pharmacy online) and some allow walk in.
Booster shots are recommended everyone who finished their primary Pfizer or Moderna series over six months ago, or for anyone who received the J and J vaccine. The bivalent booster is available (after Sept 2022) and everyone should get one!
Currently, we have adequate Covid-19 testing supplies. Results are returning in two to three days, but could take longer based on surges and demand.
​We are now able to test for antibodies to Covid-19 through LabCorp using the Roche Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 test. Patients interested in antibody testing should set up a televisit with one of our doctors to discuss the test prior to having their blood drawn at our office.
Established patients should contact the office and schedule a televideo visit.
We can test you in your car if you need a test.
New patients can be accommodated as well but must be seen at the office either in your car or in the office for the initial assessment. Please call the office to set up a visit.
We are seeing patients for more than just Covid-19. For many things we can see you via a televideo visit. Our goal is to keep you out of the emergency room or urgent care.
We still offer preventative care services including physicals, forms completion, and vaccines.
Patients without respiratory symptoms are seen at separate times in the schedule from those with symptoms.
We see sick patients in our protective gear.
We see well patients while wearing a surgical mask (and we ask you to wear one too) to reduce the risk of asymptomatic transmission of Covid-19.
We clean our exam rooms and facilities frequently.
Covid-19 is a very difficult disease. Please follow public health guidelines. If you are sick in any way, please stay home and away from others, keep your hands clean and cover your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze.
There are treatments that can help some patients with Covid-19, so affected patients need to be monitored, but some with chronic conditions are candidates for monoclonal antibodies. Please notify us immediately if your symptoms start to worsen such as fever greater than 100.4F and/or you have difficulty breathing. If you feel your life is in danger, please go to the emergency room.
Please visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for additional Covid-19 information.